Pilotage Vlissingen (Flushing) - Wester Scheldt River
Loodswezen region Scheldemonden
In order to avoid any delay for your vessel, it is imperative to send our Pilotage Service an E.T.D. message in time.
- E.T.D. messages compulsory, at least 3 hours before departure of a Dutch port.
- E.T.D. changes of 1½ hours or more have to be reported.
- E.T.D. messages should be sent directly to the pilot station.
E.T.D. message
For captains only: orderpilot@loodswezen.nl
phone: +31 (0)118 48 95 02
fax: +31 (0)118 41 23 21
telex: 37811 LWVL
E.T.D. message consists of:
A (Alfa) ship's name and call-sign
B (Bravo) date and time of departure in UTC
I (India) port of departure
J (Juliet) pilot required at port of departure
O (Oscar) maximum draught
T (Tango) agent
U (Uniform) - length overall - gross tonnage
X (X-ray) remarks